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Category: Festival 02 creazioni, FESTIVALS, WORKSHOP by • Apr 21st, 2011

if Jean Tinguely had Arduino

Imagine if Jean Tinguely had Arduino.

by Massimo Banzi

This workshop explores the world of physical computing and robotics in the context of Art.

Primo Prototipo Arduino (2004)_ph by M. Banzi

We’ll learn about microcontrollers, sensors, actuators and software behaviours. We’ll explore how to

recycle obsolete objects by extracting electromechanical parts that are still useful for us.

Bring your old VCRs, tape recorders, printers and all other objects that have been surpassed by modern day

solid state electronics and we’ll give them an new life.

We’ll turn electronic junk into art-making robots. Devices that can draw on paper, that can paint or can leave a trace of

light on a photo.

What we’ll make will then be displayed on the last day of the workshop so that people can take home the works of art created by our robots.

No previous experience of programming is required.

Please bring a laptop computer (Windows, Mac supported, Linux only if you come with the free Arduino software pre-installed) old technology and, if you can, some small tools (pliers, wire cutters etc) We’ll lend you an arduino if you don’t have it.

From the 4th to the 7th of May at Padiglione Conza MAC1-2

please write your confirmation:

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  1. [...] partecipa al FESTIVAL 02 CREAZIONI con Imagine if Jean Tinguely had Arduino [...]

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  5. [...] ha partecipato con l’Open Lab IMAGINE IF JEAN TINGUELY HAS ARDUINO [...]

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