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Category: Festival 03 performazioni, FESTIVALS, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS by • Aug 24th, 2011

Attacco bottone con tutti


h. 12.00 – 24.00

Museum MAGA Gallarate

Performance Attacco bottone con tutti

Giovanni Morbin

“Attach Button is an action that starts from the individual, the artist, to become collective.

Informal action, the artist Giovanni MAGA Morbin presents the museum spaces and in some people by surprise.

In a spontaneous, people talking to me clings, clings to me. Posture and gait disordered asymmetric make the heavy tread and the road closer than it is.

Then, once the body is detached from everything and silent as it did the action takes off. (GM)

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  1. [...] partecipa a TEC ART ECO 03 PERFORMAZIONI con la performance  Attacco bottone con tutti, Ibridazione 6 [...]

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