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Archives for the ‘SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS’ Category


By • Jan 26th, 2012 • Category: 2009, 2010, 2011, LECTURES/MEETING, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS, WORKSHOP

(Italiano) Da questo indice alfabetico puoi facilmente accedere a tutti i contributi legati agli autori e ospiti che hanno partecipato alle 3 edizioni del progetto TEC ART ECO . Stiamo creando un archivio dinamico a chiusura del progetto… coming soon

Kotomisi – non essential mix Vol 1

By • Sep 8th, 2011 • Category: Festival 03 performazioni, FESTIVALS, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

kotomisi – non essential mix Vol 1 by Knobotiq with Joana Aderi aka Eiko Spet. 25 h. 6p.m. – Museo MAGA – Gallarate This performance is a diagram of performative inventions, audio pieces, radio tracks, vj sets which focus on clothes and foldings, ornament and voice. kotomisi denotes a traditional piece of clothing of female [...]

I love you, teach me something

By • Aug 26th, 2011 • Category: Festival 03 performazioni, FESTIVALS, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

24 September h. 18 Museo Maga Performance  Ze Coupel I love you, teach me something The performance is a reflection on the gift and exchange, where they become social paradigms and anthropologists theorized by many thinkers in the twentieth century. This justifies the gift of the word “Love“ in the title to indicate a type [...]

Attacco bottone con tutti

By • Aug 24th, 2011 • Category: Festival 03 performazioni, FESTIVALS, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

24 SEPTEMBER 2011 h. 12.00 – 24.00 Museum MAGA Gallarate Performance Attacco bottone con tutti Giovanni Morbin “Attach Button“ is an action that starts from the individual, the artist, to become collective. Informal action, the artist Giovanni MAGA Morbin presents the museum spaces and in some people by surprise. “In a spontaneous, people talking to [...]

Mezzogiorno di fuoco

By • Aug 5th, 2011 • Category: Festival 03 performazioni, FESTIVALS, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

Drive In

By • Aug 4th, 2011 • Category: Festival 03 performazioni, FESTIVALS, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER h. 12.00 – 24.00 Museum MAGA – Gallarate PERFORMANCE  Drive In – Studio per uno spettatore Francesca De Isabella and  Sara Leghissa Drive is a performance that takes place in urban areas of Gallarate, used as scenic elements, containers, and manufacturers of signs and possible times and see the Maga as a [...]

Macchina delle lettere

By • Aug 3rd, 2011 • Category: Festival 03 performazioni, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER h. 12.00 – 24.00 Museo MAGA – Gallarate PERFORMANCE  Machine of the letters Sergio Limonta Machine of the letters,is a project, an interactive installation, which brings together public and forgotten books, have disappeared and no longer published, to give voice to the literary content that could get lost.

Spider Galaxies

By • Aug 3rd, 2011 • Category: Festival 03 performazioni, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

SG Gregory Batardon-8482

Test Pattern – Ryoji Ikeda

By • Jul 27th, 2011 • Category: Festival 03 performazioni, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

Test Pattern Live set  by Ryoji Ikeda Wednesday 21 SEPTEMBER – h.21.30 @ Museo MAGA – Gallarate free entrance The test pattern project/ test pattern is a system that converts any type of data (text, sounds, photos and movies) into barcode patterns and binary patterns of 0s and 1s. Through its application, the project aims [...]

The concept of … (here and now)

By • Jul 27th, 2011 • Category: EVENTS, Festival 03 performazioni, SHOWS/PUBLIC EVENTS

  The concept of … (here and now) Klaus Obermaier with: Accademia Nazionale di Danza di Roma | Università IUAV di Venezia – Faculty of Arts and Design | Figurentheater-Festival Erlangen | Institute for Theater and Media Sciences, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg Friday 23.09.2011 – h.22.15 – Museo MAGA – outdoor – Gallarate “Performance does not happen [...]