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Archives for the ‘ARTISTS’ Category


By • Oct 13th, 2010 • Category: 2010, ARTISTS

INAKI AZPILLAGA Iñaki Azpillaga among others danced with Wim Vandekeybus/Ultima Vez, Mathilde Monnier, Bocanada Danza, Ballet Nacional Clásico de España. His training as a dancer has been shaped by his experiences with Basque folklore, classical ballet, jazz, modern dance and contemporary. Normally he works as assistant to the choreography with Wim Vandekeybus and regularly conducts [...]

Giorgio Partesana & Pinhas Duncan

By • Oct 13th, 2010 • Category: 2010, ARTISTS

PARTESANA /DUNCAN Giorgio Partesana Artist and designer, his activities are in between research, production and teaching. His personal work, presented in many festivals, takes the form of interactive installations, live media and audiovisual objects. He collaborates with artists, art schools, theater companies and communication agencies, to the design and development of projects concerning interactivity and [...]


By • Oct 12th, 2010 • Category: 2010, ARTISTS

TEATRINO ELETTRICO Teatrino Elettrico was created from the need of mixing machinery sonorities with the emotion of live music. The project focused on the expressive possibilities of the mechanical objects, in the creation of a totally real time a/v language without any sampling or recording. The crew realized concerts, live-media performances, teathrical shows, multi-media installations, [...]


By • Oct 12th, 2010 • Category: 2010, ARTISTS

(Italiano) Leo Hickman, giornalista noto per le pubblicazioni ed esperimenti ecologici partecipa al festival 01 Germinazioni per indagare quanto la cultura sia “verde”. Il suo punto di vista, presentato a giovani studenti dei licei comaschi, fa riferimento al peso culturale degli eventi, alla necessità dei messaggi e alla possibilità di comunciare e crescere in modo sostenibile.


By • Oct 12th, 2010 • Category: 2010, ARTISTS

(Italiano) Eduardo Kac ha partecipato al FESTIVAL 01 GERMINAZIONI con la mostra ARCHITETTURE CONNETTIVE E TRANSGENICHE DI EDUARDO KAC, , con una conferenza MONOLOGUES alla Biblioteca civica di Como e
e al gruppo di studio RE-CULTURE


By • Oct 12th, 2009 • Category: 2009, ARTISTS

(Italiano) Il pioniere delle tecnologie applicate al corpo indaga la componente organica del corpo umano alla prima edizione del festival TEC ART ECO La bellezza remixata


By • Oct 12th, 2009 • Category: 2009, ARTISTS

(Italiano) Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca (Spagna) partecipa al festival 00 La Bellezza remixata con performance, incontri, laboratori, mostre e istallazioni